Structure provides expert strategy, analysis and project management support to owners and developers of projects with a community purpose. We assist clients with identifying and refining ideas that further their strategic objectives.  We provide analysis of policy, program, and financial options. We assist with implementation through strong project management. We know development, finance, asset management and operations.  

Real Estate Development

Creating and preserving buildings that contribute to the built environment, while serving people’s basic needs, are core to our work.  We focus on identifying projects that will have a profound positive impact on the lives of people. Communicating this vision to key stakeholders.  Through careful analysis, collaboration with stakeholders and attention to detail, we execute successful projects.

Our expertise includes identifying opportunities, developing a concept or “story” compelling to partners and investors, identifying project sites, developing designs, and managing all phased of a project.  We are experienced with new construction, the acquisition and rehabilitation of occupied buildings, relocation, asset management and public / private partnerships.  

Affordable Housing Finance

Creating and preserving affordable housing is an important cornerstone to a healthy community.  We have more than 20 years’ experience structuring multifamily housing finance using a variety of public and private resources.  We structure financings that will meet short-term development goals, and be financially sound through operations. 

Expertise includes the use of Low Income Housing Tax Credits, tax-exempt bonds, credit enhancements, HOME, CDBG, AHP, HOPE VI, Capital Grant financing, HUD mixed-finance programs, Project-Based Vouchers, Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program, and state and local sources of funding. 

Public Housing

Public Housing Authorities are important providers of housing and housing resources for low income families.  Shifting regulations and uncertain funding require an ability to tailor strategies and practices to meet current conditions.

Structure has a depth of experience in the management of public housing authorities focused on real estate development, issuing tax exempt bonds, asset management, portfolio evaluation, relocation, governance and joint ventures.  Additionally, experience includes M/W/ESB utilization, Section 3, Project-Based Vouchers, Rental Assistance Demonstration program, MTW, Replacement Housing Factor / Demolition or Disposition Transitional Funding, and procurement and construction contracting.

Public / Private Partnership

Leveraging the collective strengths of the public and private sector can produce result with greater benefits for the partners and the community as a whole.  Identifying opportunities, understanding interests of the partners, setting clear expectations and defining roles are key elements of a successful partnership.  We have experience creating and carrying out successful public private partnerships.